Sunday, November 11, 2012

Top pic breakfast - kabocha squash/apple/raisin/maple syrup
bottome pic lunch - quinoa, green beans, broccoli, tomatoes, Sunshine fresh herb burger

My new love now is delicata squash and kabocha squash. I am really enjoying their sweet flavor.  I chop them up in cubes and steam them.  This has been my breakfast lately.  I eat this a few hours before my runs.  I also put apples in there too. So I get fast and slow carbs together. This has done wonders for my running. I run a minimum of 9 miles when  I go out. So this dish fuels me for the long haul.  So I steam the squash for about 10-15ish minutes (depends on the kind of squash). Then the last 3 minutes I throw in an apple with raisin for a quick steam.  I lightly drizzle maple syrup.  Such a great dish.  If I eat this at night, I do not steam my apple.  I only steam the apple before my run.

The next dish was lunch today. I pretty much call it my mush, and my mush contains a variery of steam/raw veggies, tomatoes, grain (quinoa/brown rice/millet), starch (yams/sweet potato/squash), and beans or bean burger which is either homemade. But lately with my busy schedule I have been eating Sunshine burgers.  The are so flavorful, with whole ingredients.  I tend to just throw everything into my wooden bowl and mix. And then after my lunch I had a large glass of fresh orange juice. It hits the spot.