Saturday, December 29, 2012

I think change is good so I re-did my blog a little.

Great sunrise my friend and I got to see as we reached the top! So worth getting out of a warm bed for.

So far  I am not complaining about our winter. It has been wonderful for running. A few wind storms here and there so I use those as my days off.  A few inches of snow here and there. Those days are great for some hill work. Just strap on some microspikes and hit the hills.

I have my race schedule set for 2013.  If I can keep my two left feet from crashing on the trail and injuring myself I should be set for a fun race season. And yes I race for fun! I mean if I took it seriously it wouldn't be any fun.  Races never go the way you want them too.

Early breakfast:  3 gluten free pancakes with a touch of peanut butter with maple syrup and a glass of hemp milk

training: 12 miles/3600' of vertical. I brought dried apples and dried figs with me. Tasty!

lunch: red quinoa, red potatoes, black bean burger, tomatoes and kale

snack: 2 apples

dinner:  a big bowl of millet puff and flax ceral, and one apple

My new love is dino kale (or called black dino kale).  This is the best kale I have ever had! It is so delish raw and you can lightly steam it and it cooks up so nicely.  I can't get enough of this stuff. The flavor is really amazing!

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